949-689-2047 Orange County Art Broker


Still Life

949-689-2047 Manfred Schwartz art
Manfred Schwartz
The Orange Box
oil on canvas
949-689-2047 Teimur Amiry, Nightcap
Teimur Amiry
giclée on canvas

949-689-2047 still life with violin
Gene Elmore
Still Life with Violin
and Peonies

oil on canvas
949-689-2047 still life violin piano
N. Sparks
Still Life with Violin
and Pianos
oil on canvas
949-689-2047 Still Life with Roses
Still Life with Roses
oil on canvas
949-689-2047 pink flowers
E. Chul
Fantasy in Pink Flowers
lithograph on paper
Maria Calvo still life 949-689-2047
Maria del Carmen Calvo
Still Life with Book and Candle
original oil on canvas
Inna Makarichev art 949-689-2047
Inna Makarichev
Still Life with Fruit
original oil on canvas
Maurice de Vlaminck still life 949-715-0308
Maurice de Vlaminck
Still Life with Blue Pitcher
original oil on canvas
949-689-2047 floral still life
Leonard Leibsohn
(known as Parker Lee)
original oil on canvas
Still Life with Flowers 949-689-2047
Still Life with Poppies
oil on canvas
Still Life Roses 949-689-2047
Still Life with Roses
oil on canvas
Still Life 949-689-2047
Still Life with
Pottery and Beads
oil on canvas
Still Life Coffee Pot 949-689-2047
Still Life with
Coffee Pot
oil on canvas